Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sky's the limit

Taken during one Sunday morning, while we were out in the park, kids playing, sisters doing their weekly exercise routines, I was staring once in while, and appreciating the site of the vast, blue sky.










our dreams at some point pictures a site similar or different to what we have pictured it to be; and sometimes, we are close to giving it up completely to the passing of time, we do nothing. but although dreams, when you make them, should reach heights, it comes in parallel to actions, when you do them, should be at par, if not above, that established height.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Forget me not

Its ephemeral life proves the fact that they are forbidden to grow and thrive to be obstructions as they are seen by lot owners. They may be ordinary, and often the forgotten member of kingdom plantae, but just the same, has the right to exist. As anyone do. Whoever they are and whatever they do. Life, after all, should never be qualified.

Monday, April 20, 2009


in this crowd,

i see i have not matured still

i am a bud. I have yet to grow

maybe not as a perfect ceterpiece

but just the right flower to be.

sometimes, i may look ordinary

but its inside that makes it special--

the purity of my heart

i may still be naive of many things, but i'm learning

i am small, but i can do big and i will be great.

the sun is shining upon me.


as if giving me the assurance of continued growth and
of grace.

telling me to hold that optimism.

there is no stopping.
not this time

it is becoming brighter

in bloom.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


These three little kittens are just probably one or two days old when we found them at the house's entrance. The sight of them grew amazement on my nephews' eyes, very eager to touch and held them in their hands, but there was the mother who was too protective of her newborns which are again, additions to the growing life on Earth. Like the kitten's mother, we too owe our Mother the protection it deserves.

The daisy is made prettier by the sun, its color made more vivid as it somehow mimic the summer hue. She's pretty even if its slender stem bends down as it stretches longer and grows taller. It doesn't make her less of a daisy, it just makes the scene more humbling to see.

Against all odds - the arid land, the surrounding stones, the larger mass of equal species, the pandan plant has survived. And as one with the more complicated and superior life structure, we too can weather the odds.